Culture Lab provides assistance in drafting and implementing communication/dissemination strategies, aimed at maximising the impact and visibility of your project towards various categories of target audiences, thus contributing also to the long-term sustainability of its results.

The company’s approach relies on a set of methodological principles:
– Developing a targeted information and communication strategy including ambitious but realistic scopes aimed at addressing and actively involving the multiple audiences in the project’s activities.
– Encouraging knowledge transfer and communication as a continuous process throughout and beyond the whole project’s lifetime and not limited to a few activity peaks.
– Relying on qualified resources able to provide professional guidance and assistance in the conception, implementation and follow-up of a consistent project’s outreach.
– Outlining a comprehensive communication plan, based on a set of core principles and messages that correspond to the focus of the project to be delivered by all the partners in their relations with the specialized and mainstream media and the public.
– Actively involving all the project’s partners and their respective staff, including the researchers, in the implementation of the project’s dissemination policy.
– Identifying and specifying indicators and criteria for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the communication/dissemination strategy’s results and impact.

Through a network of qualified professionals (communication experts, graphic designers, web developers…), Culture Lab develops a range of web-or paper-based dissemination and visibility tools: from dedicated websites, social media channels, brochures, leaflets, publications, visual identities, to the design and production of exhibitions.

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